Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello day 10! So, last night I did the 'Cardio X' and really pushed it. It was liberating to know that I did good and put forth a great effort! Today (day 10) I actually got up at 6 am and did the arm/shoulder workout. Now, I don't normally work out in the morning.. but tonight I have a late hair appointment and figured I should go ahead and get it done so I don't have to think about it. It went pretty well, considering I had trouble getting our dvd player going. We have so many stinkin' remotes to fiddle with, it's exasperating! So, I did all the workout minus the bonus round and abs. Abs I can do tonight as it's only 15 minutes. After my workout this morning I threw some protein whey, blueberries, banana and skim milk into the blender for my 'recovery' shake. I think next time I'll try making an espresso and put it in like a Starbucks Coffee Frapp! I usually pack snacks to take to work like and apple, low fat string cheese, nutrition bar, and a lunch. Packing a lunch has helped me keep myself in check. I no longer eat fast food. In fact, I haven't had fast food in months. Prior to starting P90X began eating better and going to the gym and running or getting on the eliptical ...blah, blah, blah... by the way... those machines get soooo boring! I mean, it's ok to use them as an alternate... but everyday!!!! I dreaded getting ready to go to the gym, drive through traffic and then get there and all the machines are being used! So frustrating... when you're paying for a gym membership and it's going down the toilet and your in a freakin' contract for another year! Talk about a waste of $$!! This is another reason I like P90X... I can come home after work or even workout before work...right in my own home. Felt like I never saw my husband because I was always driving to and from the gym! I had started looking up treadmills to buy but found out they're way to pricey and huge! That's when P90X started sounding better and better! Now, I've done my fair share of workout videos over the years... and I kept up with it maybe 3x a week for a couple weeks... but they were all so 'one note'... no muscle confusion, no interesting moves...etc. etc.... I like feeling like if I'm putting forth a great effort into something that I 'm not wasting my time doing piddly little moves. I like that my muscles burn and I sweat! I'm gaining something from each workout! I do write down my reps/weights for each exercise as it does help to see your progression. Keep it going!! Don't give up! If you waste a day for some reason or other, don't throw in the towel! Just pick up where you left off! Guess what, if you stop a week, month or even a'll be kicking yourself for not continuing and have to start all over again!! Now, that's a freakin'waste of time and mental drainage!! Why do that to yourself! I've been there many, many, many times! I've thought, ' Why didn't I just keep going?' WHY, WHY, WHY?!?!?!

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