Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My first week on P90X

Okay, so tonight will actually be day 9 officially since I first start P90X 'Lean'. I am 5'-4" and weigh 137 lbs. I've always wanted to drop the last 15-20 lbs. My weight fluctuates somewhat annually. I'm not fat, but I just want to get tone. I want to see what I can accomplish by 'pushing play'. So far, I started out in the gym and had this free trainer session... basically some guy who didn't look like he was in that good a shape tell me how to do a crunch on one of those exercise balls and few other exercises. I was like, are you kidding me!!?? I need MORE then this! My friend at work told me he was doing P90x, of which I've seen the infomercial in the past. He is on his 2nd month. I thought, why can't I do that!!?? I CAN DO THAT!!
I've been pretty excited about going home after work and sweating it out! When I feel the sore muscles the next day I visualize my inner tone-girl trying to break out of my body! LET ME OUT!!! I'm like... OK!!! I'm bringing it!!! What seems to help me right before I leave work to go home... I'll find some P90X forums or before/after pics and that'll really get me excited to get home and tear it up! I've been consistently sore since the very first day, January 26th, when I did the fit test. I think I totally overdid it but wanted to prove I wasn't THAT out of shape! So, day 9 arrives and tonight it's Cardio X! Love it!

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